
I am currently pursuing MS in Computer Science and Engineering at UCSD (expected graduation in Mar 2024). I received my BE in Computer Science from BITS Pilani. Primarily my interests are in the fields of Software Developement and Computer Vision.

Previously, I have contributed at HBCSE-TIFR, GSoC (2019 student), GCIn (2019 mentor), Amazon and Nutanix. I have conducted research collaborations with Prof. Poonam Goyal (ADAPT lab), Dr. Jennifer Ranjani, Dr. Sundaresan Raman and Prof. R. Venkatesh Babu (VAL (IISc)). Recently, I have collaborated with Dr. Joost Van de Weijer and Dr. Marc Masana (LAMP (Computer Vision Center, Barcelona)), where I worked on interpretations of catastrophic forgetting in a task incremental setup from adversarial robustness perspective.

On the personal front, I am avidly interested in travel, photography, swimming and playing keyboard. Feel free to connect with me over email!

(Last updated : 24/10/2022)